There are four main options usually offered when seeking hardship mortgage assistance from your lender. Typically, your lender or servicer will offer to review your financials for a hardship modification of loan terms. The second option would be a repayment plan on any arrearages. The third option that your lender may offer is an approval on the short sale of the property. The final option offered would be a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
Our goal is to determine your objective and then put together a winning strategy based off of your lender's approval guidelines and available programs.
Do not get discouraged if you've received a denial letter where your lender is only offering a short sale or deed in lieu. Often times, there are many ratios and parameters on your case file that can be adjusted for re-submission. In the above scenario, having an experienced underwriter in your corner comes in very handy.
Let our team of experienced underwriters review your financials and mold everything about your unique situation into your lender's underwriting approval guidelines.
At The Home Help Center, your case file is overseen by many experts, from underwriters to housing counselors, as well as compliance officers. Each case file on average has three team members assigned to it. We have found that our "all hands on deck" motto has been one of the largest factors for success in keeping families in their homes. With us, you're never alone.
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