OUR MISSION: The Home Help Center was developed as a community outreach service to provide education, support and guidance to any homeowners which may be facing a hardship with the mortgage. With the right help, virtually any foreclosure situation can be successfully resolved.
Without the proper knowledge, the foreclosure process can be scary and quite stressful. However, if you have the knowledge of all possible resolutions, the fear and anxiety subsides allowing you to choose the right path with confidence, that's where we come in!
Our team of underwriters have over 50 years of combined experience, some from the underwriting departments of America's largest lending institutions. If there is a way to help you fit your lender's approval guidelines, you couldn't ask for a more experienced and "well-oiled" team.
Our team of caring housing counselors will assess your needs, goals and desired outcome. Your assigned housing counselor will work hand in hand with you, underwriting and your lender to quickly resolve your foreclosure status in the most beneficial manner for you and your family. Your assigned housing counselor is your advocate and your "voice" to your lender.
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